press release

What about Resilience?

Risk, Business Continuity and Resilience - are we getting the landscape right?
Business Continuity, Resilience and the Rhinos ear
Imagine trying to describe or just outline what a Rhinoceros looks like to someone when you have only have seen a small part of the whole animal yourself, perhaps just a foot or an ear.
Three toed camel or a resilient  Rhino? When you haven't seen the whole thing it makes it awkward at best, perhaps even impossible. Its certainly rather tricky eh?  You could end up with a Donkey, a three toed Camel or indeed a host of bizarre critters. To describe a Rhino properly you have got to step back and get the whole picture. (We know this is usually done with elephants, but we prefer a rhino for this analogy...  its an ear thing!)  
We’re using this example to illustrate one of the most interesting topics emerging across the Risk and Business Continuity Sectors  - Organizational Resilience! 
A lot of people are talking about it and the discussion underway is really interesting. 

Webcast "Introducing the Climate Adaptation Programme"

Webcast Climate Adaptation and Business Continuity - an essential connection

This webcast introduces the Continuity Forums Climate Adaptation Programme (CAP)
The Climate Adaptation Programme is a core project that focuses on more effectively connecting Risk and Business Continuity Management with Climate Adaptation.
In this Webcast we provide an introduction to the reasons behind the project and share a brief outline of the activities and benefits planned. 

3PQ - Business Continuity Third Party Questionnaire - Project Page

Business Continuity 3PQ supply chain questionnaire
  • Q. What is 3PQ?
  • Simply a consistent Third Party Questionnaire that can be used freely by Business Continuity Professionals to help manage Supply Chain BCM Capability.
The 3PQ project group was formed through the efforts of a number of experienced BCM professionals from the Business Continuity Group BANG! and supported by the Continuity  Forum.    
The 3PQ Supply Chain Questionnaire Master Document will be hosted by the Continuity Forum and will be freely available for download from this page. 

National Occupation Standards for Business Continuity - your feedback needed

National Occupation Standards for Business Continuity
Since 2011 the Continuity Forum has been working with Skills CFA to develop Business Continuity skills and qualifications for use in the workplace. 
We are now conducting a review of the Business Continuity Management (BCM) suite of National Occupational Standards (NOS).

Webcast "The role of Business Continuity & Risk Professionals in addressing Climate Risk


Climate Adaptation and Business Continuity - an essential connection

This webcast is the second in the the Continuity Forums Climate Adaptation Programme (CAP) webcast series and focuses on the critical role BCM and Risk Professionals have in addressing the threats posed by Climate Change.
In this edition Continuity Forum Programme Director, Sara McKenna, questions Russell Price and Kylie Russell (Business Lead for the Environment Agency Climate Ready programme) on the work underway and how the BCM and Risk professions need to evolve their efforts. 

Shaping the European Standardisation Roadmap of Crisis Management and Civil Protection

(Workshop M/487)
Date: 09 April 2013
Location:City of Edinburgh Council, UK
The European Commission, pursuing the increase of the global competitiveness of EU security industry while enhancing the security of Europe, has requested the European Standardisation Organisations (ESOs) to draft three European standardisation roadmaps in the security sector under action 1 in their Communication on Security Industrial Policy.

ISO 22313 GUIDANCE for Business Continuity published (ISO 22301)


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Introducing the latest international standard ISO 22313
The Guidance for Business Continuity management standard ISO 22301
BS ISO 22313 Societal security — Business continuity management systems — Guidance offers global best practice to organizations implementing an effective Business Continuity Management System (BCMS).
Acting as the guidance document for ISO 22301, the standard provides a more intuitive framework to those pursuing business continuity best practice. It is a key milestone to support the uptake and implementation of effective BCM worldwide.
Together, these BCM standards seek to support organizations in their on-going challenge to improve business resilience in the face of unforeseen circumstances such as bad weather or civil unrest.

Business Continuity for Dummies launched by Cabinet Office and Wiley publishing

The popular yellow cover Dummies Guides from Wiley adds a new title to the series today focusing on  Business Continuity. The Dummies Guide to Business Continuity has been published with support from the Cabinet Office especially to help support the 4.5 million small and medium sized enterprises in the UK  understand, quickly apply and gain the benefits of good Business Continuity practices.
SMEs matter and are vital in supporting their local communities cope with disasters and that’s why the government ensured that the Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR) committed to help SMEs improve their resilience to civil emergencies.  In partnership with the private sector, including the Continuity Forum and with sponsorship from the BCI and EPS, this new Dummies Guide aims to provide easy access to expert advice to help them prepare and cope with disruption of all kinds.

Video - Business Continuity Implementation and certification to ISO 22301

The session is part of the Continuity Forum webinar series and was first broadcast in September 2012.

Hilary Estall of Perpetual Solutions is our guest for the session and she outlines how the migration can be more easily made from other standards such as BS 25999-2 to the new ISO and what the auditor is likely to focus on when assessing your system.

This video is approximately 48 minutes long.


Cyber Risk Insurance Forum campaign launched

Link to Cyber Risk Insurance Forum  The Cyber Risk Insurance Forum (CRIF), the group established to develop a security framework for companies taking out cyber insurance, has held its inaugural meeting, expanding its membership and developing two lines of focus for its on-going campaign.
Global information assurance firm NCC Group, with Liberty International Underwriters (LIU), Zurich Insurance, CNA Europe and Oval, established the group earlier this year under the Cyber Insurance Working Group title.
The founding members have now increased to include Thales, Continuity Forum, ACE Insurance and Hill & Knowlton, bringing together a broader spectrum of thought leaders.
CRIF Chairman, Daljitt Barn said: “Cyber insurance doesn’t mitigate the risk of suffering a cyber attack in itself, but if combined with cyber risk best practice, it will. Driving development of those guidelines depends on making organisations aware of the risks that they face.”
The Cyber Risk Insurance Forum seeks to develop a framework of recommended information security practices and policies to support the uptake of cyber insurance, protecting insurers and businesses alike.
The name change was implemented following the group’s first meeting, as part of a concerted focus on risk mitigation. 
Matthew Hogg of LIU, a founding Member of CRIF explains: “We realise from our discussions with industry that a two-pronged attack is necessary to drive our campaign forward." 

BCS Certificate in Information Security Management Principles CISMP

BCS Certificate in Information Security Management Principles CISMP
This five-day course will run week commencing 03/09/2012 in Cardiff City Hall reduced from £2000 to £1175.
This course has been commissioned by Cardiff City Council and is being offered to Continuity Forum members, at cost, at the significantly discounted rate of £1175 + VAT. The advertised rate of this course is usually in the region of £2000 + VAT so this presents a fantastic saving for anyone wishing to attend this particular offering.
All course materials, the course exam, refreshments and lunch are included. 

Please note places are limited so early booking is advised. The rate may be negotiable for multiple bookings.

Business Continuity Standard ISO 22301 Implementation and Certification Webcasts - FREE

Your guide to Business Continuity Certification to ISO 22301
Our Webinars focusing on the new ISO Business Continuity Standard 22301 really have been incredibly popular with a response that has even taken us by surprise!
Following on from the Continuity Forum Webcasts in May, June and July we are adding four more sessions starting in late August and through September covering the next steps for organisations. We are now taking bookings and places will be limited so prompt action is recommended.

Dummies Guide to Business Continuity and Implementation and certification to ISO 22301 - chalk and cheese?

There are two new Business Continuity books coming out this summer that are likely to find their way on to the book shelves of many of our readers and partners. They are chalk and cheese in their content, but significant publications as they address two topics that feature highly in the questions we receive here at the Continuity Forum.  
Dummies Guide to Business Continuity The first title is the Business Continuity for Dummies published by John Wiley & Son and is targeted to provide a basic introduction to Business Continuity Management to those new to the process.
The second is published by the BCS - the Chartered Institute for IT and is titled Business Continuity Management Systems: Implementation and certification to ISO 22301
For many years one of the most consistent questions we have had, especially from those coming to BCM for the first time, has been, "what would we recommend as an introduction?" and we can now add the Dummies Guide to the Practical Business Continuity Management
More recently, since the launch of ISO 22301, and perhaps at the other end of the scale, the questions have been centred on getting good advice on how to implement the new ISO Standard; and with virtually perfect timing, Hilary Estall brings us her Guide to Implementing ISO 22301.  

Food Security and Supply Chain Risks - SPECIAL PROJECT


Business Continuity Forum - Securing the Food Supply Chain The Continuity Forum is part of a government working group researching short to medium term emergency issues relating to risk and the UK's food supply and its security. We are inviting interested parties to contact us to assist in the development of our formal report to the committees involved. We are particularly keen to gather information from Business Continuity, Resilience and Risk Professionals active in sectors relevant to the topic on the wider scope of issues being addressed.


The broad principles of the project are to identify how risks and disruptions may develop and how well the country is currently prepared to cope if they occurred.


FREE WEBINAR _ Managing Supply Chain Business Continuity with 3PQ

Continuity Forum Webinars and Events
3PQ for Supply Chain Continuity and Resilience
Free Friday Webinars  
22nd June 2012 11:00 am 
29th June 2012 11:00 am 
6th July 2012 11:00 am & 16:00pm 
How to use and manage your supply chain with 3PQ
Forum Partners can request access to sessions or provide something tailored to your exact needs  
3PQ is the name of a free industry resource developed by a project team of industry professionals to help organizations better manage the risks concealed in their supply chains.
Join the BANG network on Linkedin3PQ was originally conceived and developed following lively discussions at a BANG London Meeting on the difficulties Business Continuity Professionals faced in responding to and managing the Supply requirements and capabilities of different organisations.
It was a  common problem crying out for a simple, yet effective solution... the 3PQ project was born.
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Business Continuity Forum creating Resilince and security

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