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FREE WEBINAR _ Managing Supply Chain Business Continuity with 3PQ
Free Friday Webinars
22nd June 2012 11:00 am
29th June 2012 11:00 am
6th July 2012 11:00 am & 16:00pm
How to use and manage your supply chain with 3PQ
Forum Partners can request access to sessions or provide something tailored to your exact needs
3PQ is the name of a free industry resource developed by a project team of industry professionals to help organizations better manage the risks concealed in their supply chains.

It was a common problem crying out for a simple, yet effective solution... the 3PQ project was born.
From the outset it was designed to be a free to access resources that could be easily adapted and integrated into the operations of most organizations with little or no overhead.
A simple goal, but not one without challenges.
The project team was formed and over the coming months various approaches and structures were considered. The final version of 3PQ decided on is a simple set of questions geared towards highlighting all the key areas that your supply chain needs to consider to be considered 'prepared'.
Whilst simple to use, 3PQ has already proven extremely valuable through its ability to identify weaknesses in an organizations BCM capability.
This webinar looks at how BCM professionals and management can use 3PQ to quickly gain an insight into the risks within their supply chains.
You can download the 3PQ documentation for free ahead of the webinar by clicking the link below.
Our free webinar will take you through the core principles involved and explaining how best to apply 3PQ to your organization to get effective and quick returns.
We'll also be covering:
- Why Supply Chain Continuity Management is essential for everyone
- How to get Management Buy-in for 3PQ
- Working in partnership with suppliers to generate a win-win for organizations
- Using 3PQ to highlight the risks in your Supply Chain
- Using 3PQ to help with Standards Compliance
The Webinar will last between 45 minutes and one hour depending on the time spent on Q&A. Places will be limited on these Webinars to enable us to answer in-depth any questions you may have. Continuity Forum Partners can either book for these public sessions or arrange for personal on-line meetings at times to suit you and tailored to your specific needs.
To book on the next available webinar click on the link below.
Early booking is strongly advised.
If you have any questions on these webinar, 3PQ or the work of the Continuity Forum please do contact us directly.