Government agencies have enormous responsibilities to protect citizens, and wise use of mass notification tools can help keep lines of communication open no matter what transpires. How are some government agencies using Intelligent Notification to protect resources, save lives and meet regulations?
Here are just a few examples of notification in action for government agencies:
• Large wildfires rage out of control across four counties; the state must alert and mobilize dispersed firefighters
• A bomb threat is called into a city center; emergency services must act quickly to evacuate and protect citizens
• A dam threatens to burst; thousands must be notified and a large area must be quickly and efficiently evacuated
• A chemical manufacturing plant suffers a hazardous waste spill; nearby residents must be alerted
• An infectious disease is spreading; citizens must be alerted to take precautions and seek help if infected
• A prisoner has escaped; townspeople are alerted and deputized, and the perpetrator is apprehended
How Intelligent Notification works in government
Effective notification involves more than just sending a one-way alert. You must be able to quickly determine who needs to know what, and your message must be adapted as your contacts respond. Intelligent Notification technology handles this complex task, rapidly launching a message to agencies and other groups of any size, whether in one location or spread all over the world. It uses MIR3 data management expertise and tools to pull information from various contact databases to make sure you’re always using the latest contact information.
Intelligent Notification is used by government agencies for business continuity and disaster recovery (BC/DR), for emergency alerting, and to keep IT departments up and running.