
Mass Notification for Transportation and Logistics

Intelligent Notification | MIR3

The global economy relies on a vast network of transportation systems and complex logistics to keep the movement of goods and people flowing smoothly. How can Intelligent Notification help keep these remarkable systems on track?

Here are just a few examples uses for notification in transportation and logistics:

  • • A volcano forces airlines to delay departures for days; customers and staff must be notified
  • • A train has derailed; law enforcement and emergency response teams must be alerted and mobilized quickly
  • • A hazardous spill threatens a neighborhood; citizens must be alerted to begin evacuations
  • • Emergency repairs need to be made on a large truck in transit; a maintenance crew needs to be notified and pulled together
  • • Airport traffic is rearranged due to foul weather; ground crews and security teams must be coordinated
  • • Airport transportation systems fail; IT staff needs to be alerted and travelers notified of delays

How Intelligent Notification works in transportation and logistics

Effective notification involves more than just sending a one-way alert. You must be able to quickly determine who needs to know what, and your message must be adapted as your contacts respond. Intelligent Notification technology handles this complex task, rapidly launching a message to groups of any size, whether in one location or spread all over the world. It uses MIR3 data management expertise and tools to pull information from various contact databases to make sure you’re always using the latest contact information.

Intelligent Notification is used by the transportation and logistics sector for business continuity and disaster recovery (BC/DR), for emergency alerting, and to keep IT systems up and running.

Intelligent Notification | MIR3

Video - Showing your side of the story

This video is aimed squarely at the challenges of managing during a transport disruption. With the past few years in mind these lessons are both timely and relevant to any Business Continuity Manager
Tony Coll speaks on the kind of action you can undertake to illustrate just how your organisation can demonstrate the how your Business Continuity planning is kicking in, maybe turning you from the bad guy to the good one.
If you would like to know more about how Crisis Management and Communications can help your organisations Business Continuity Planning do get in touch with us directly here.

Flight Chaos poses serious Business Continuity challenges


The Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajoekull erupted on the 14th April hurling a plume of ash high into the atmosphere and grounding flights affecting nearly seven million travellers. 
Within hours of the decision to ground planes businesses started to count the cost with peoples travel plans collapsing and many becoming effectively stranded. The impact of the volcanic eruption is already being estimated as costing airlines £130million per day, although rail, ferry and some hotel operators are reporting massive increases in business as alternative arrangements are sought. 

Business Continuity and the Travel & Transportation sectors

Breaches caused by complacency rising 

Events of the last few years convinced many corporate executives of the need for business continuity and disaster recovery plans. Someone would have to live in a bubble not to acknowledge the potential havoc that events like 9/11, the SARS pandemic and Hurricane Katrina can inflict on a business. But, even more mundane events can hurt a business and continuity plans can make the difference between surviving and failing in the aftermath.

With all the attention on natural disasters and terrorism, as well as complying with new regulations and legislation, it makes sense that many businesses have developed recovery plans and systems.

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