Schools and campuses carry a singular burden of responsibility in protecting the lives of students, staff, faculty and visitors. How are schools, colleges and universities using Intelligent Notification to effectively communicate with what is often a very mobile community?
Here are just a few examples of notification in action in education:
• A bomb threat is called into a college dormitory; emergency services must act quickly to protect students
• A chemical spill takes place on the edge of campus; students must be notified to evacuate a large area quickly
• An infectious disease breaks out; students must be alerted to take precautions and seek help if infected
• The campus office gets a call about a suspicious character lurking near the dorms; security must be directed to that location
• Passwords are increasingly being lost; students need a way to retrieve and reset them from wherever they are
• One college has five campuses; they must have a way to reach students or staff at all locations by phone, cell, email or SMS
How Intelligent Notification works in education
Effective notification involves more than just sending a one-way alert. You must be able to quickly determine who needs to know what, whether that includes students, staff, faculty or others, and your message must be adapted as your contacts respond. Intelligent Notification handles this complex task, rapidly launching a message to groups of any size, whether in one location or spread all over a large campus. It uses MIR3 data management expertise and tools to pull information from various contact databases to make sure you’re always using the latest contact information.
Intelligent Notification is used by educational institutions for business continuity and disaster recovery (BC/DR), for emergency alerting, and to keep IT systems up and running.