BS25999 achieved by Vocal


The British Standards Institute has awarded Vocal, best known for its iModus notification system,  full BS25999 accreditation – the British standard of business continuity management. The accreditation incorporates the entire organisation and including the iModus system. 
Trevor Wheatley-Perry of Vocal said "Over the last decade, Vocal has shown that resilience has been one of our key industry drivers. This certification is official recognition of the company’s commitment to providing robust business continuity solutions, as well as ‘practising what we preach’ by demonstrating how business continuity is professionally managed within this organisation.”
Wheatley-Perry also believes that Vocal customers will see the benefit from the company’s accreditation. “Many Vocal customers have achieved or are hoping to achieve BS25999 accreditation, and the shared understanding of the importance of this industry standard helps Vocal further develop our customer relationships.”
Owen Miles, Vocal’s Technical Director, described how Vocal has also used this accreditation to achieve an additional benefit of developing a new product – PlanManagment. “The company used this experience of creating complex and multi-departmental business continuity plans as the basis for our latest product, PlanManagement. The processes involved and lessons learnt from achieving our BS25999 certification gave invaluable insight and the ideal product philosophy, culminating in a solution borne out of real need and proven to work in one of the toughest tests – creating and maintaining BS25999 accreditation.”