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Suppliers by type

  This page show Business Continuity Suppliers by the types of services or products they can offer.   There are three different groups you can browse through, just use the page turner at the bottom of eac ...

Page - Webmaster01 - 05/06/2011 - 07:54 - 0 comments

Security and CT Portal

  Security and Counter Terrorism information Portal   Through this portal page we provide information covering a range of topics that relate to Security and Counter Terrorism information news and advic ...

Page - Webmaster - 01/08/2015 - 17:59 - 0 comments

Business Continuity Standards

  Business Continuity Standards Portal   This is the information and news update portal of the Continuity Forum focused on Business Continuity and Resilience Management related Standards a ...

Page - Webmaster01 - 11/29/2014 - 13:23 - 0 comments

ISO 22301 Business Continuity Standard moves forward

... to Geneva for the FDIS stage where the final 'minor edit' hurdle is cleared. These timelines suggest ISO22301 will finally be ...

News - Editor - 11/29/2011 - 11:53 - 0 comments

Mass Notification for Public Safety

... change frequently; Account Portal lets them edit their own information and subscribe to alerts How Intelligent ...

Member Sub page - Webmaster - 02/22/2015 - 10:42 - 0 comments

Business Continuity Forum creating Resilince and security

Creating Continuity... Building Resilience...