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Protecting Hotels and Restaurants
This guide provides protective security and business continuity advice to those who own, operate, manage or work in hotels and restaurants. It aids those who are seeking to reduce the risk of a terrorist attack and limit the damage an attack might cause. It highlights the vital part you can play in the UK counter terrorism strategy.
Hotels and restaurants worldwide have been subject to terrorist attacks on several occasions. It is possible that your hotel or restaurant could be involved in a terrorist incident. This might include having to deal with a bomb threat or with suspect items left in or around your premises or sent through the post.
It is recognised that there is a need to maintain a friendly and welcoming atmosphere within the hotel and restaurant environments and this guide is not intended to create a ‘fortress mentality’. There is however a balance to be achieved where those responsible for security are informed that there are robust protective security measures available to mitigate against the threat of terrorism, e.g. protection from flying glass and vehicle access controls into crowded areas, goods and service yards and underground car parks.
Terrorism can come in many forms, not just a physical attack on life and limb. It can include interference with vital information or communication systems, causing disruption and economic damage. Some attacks are easier to carry out if the terrorist is assisted by an ‘insider’ or by someone with specialist knowledge or access. Terrorism also includes threats or hoaxes designed to frighten and intimidate. These have in the past been targeted at various premises in the UK.
The guidance provided can be supplemented by specific advice from Counter Terrorism Security Advisers that can be reached though your local Police force or by following links provided on the CTSA CONTACT page.
If you would like to know more about how to build your Business Continuity, Security and Resilience do get in touch and we'll be pleased to help.