Moving to the Cloud video - An introductory video from IBM Center for the Business of Government

In this video Dr. Wyld examines the entry of the cloud computing phenomena into the government. He avoids the technical language and focuses on the business and societal impacts of cloud computing. He examines how this concept has changed the expectations of both the public and of government executives and managers.

Dr David C. Wyld  currently serves as the Robert Maurin Professor of Management at Southeastern Louisiana University in Hammond, Louisiana, where he teaches courses in business strategy and e-commerce. He is the director of the College of Business’ Strategic e-Commerce/e-Government Initiative, the founding editor of the Journal of Strategic e-Commerce, and a frequent contributor to both academic journals and trade publications. David has written over 150 refereed journal articles on a wide variety of subjects dealing with contemporary management issues

This report begins with a definition of cloud computing. Dr. Wyld explains how the term, "cloud computing" has come to mean many things to many people, but the National Institute of Standards and Technology has developed a commonly accepted working definition. The study then inventories a number of applications where cloud computing has been implemented in government and shows how these have changed people's interactions with government and their expectations of technology. And finally, Dr. Wyld describes the roadblocks impeding the cloud computing revolution that need to be addressed by managers.