Have you got something on your mind?
Would you like to share it? Well here is your chance, the Continuity Forum would like to interview you to find out exactly what's on your mind?
Now obviously your views on the election or the X factor may be important to you, but that's not what we want to chat about. We're keen to find out your thoughts across a range of Business Continuity, Risk and Security issues.
Whether there are specific issues that you'd like to speak out on or if it's a more general discussion we'd be happy to talk!
We are particularly interested to hear from people with interesting experiences gained from the front lines of the industry, perhaps detailing challenges, outlining solutions or perhaps just a humorous story.
You don't have to travel to London to be interviewed, although we would love to meet you, we can speak over the phone or using our conference system.
We can also produce your interview as a podcast, this can be done over the telephone, but for best results it would probably be best done over a face-to-face chat.
If you are coming along to any of our events please do let us know ahead of time as this would be an ideal opportunity to complete the interview or podcast.
To get in touch with us to arrange an interview please e-mail us at editor@continuityforum.org
Looking forward to talking with you