Annual flood damage costs £1 billion - but could rise to £27 billion by 2080
• Finding the funding necessary for flood protection works will be challenging in the light of budgetary constraints.
• While national funding will continue to be important, local and other funding will have to play an increasing role in meeting local flood risk management priorities.
Balancing development pressure, flood risk protection and environmental aims will continue to be difficult, particularly in light of the potentially significant impacts of climate change. New measures introduced by the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 should help to deliver a more coordinated approach, although controversial decisions about which flood protection measures should be funded will remain.
• The National and Local Flood Risk Management Strategies being developed will have important implications for local communities.
• Balancing the competing objectives and interests of different stakeholders will lead to controversial proposals related to flood protection.
• Full engagement with affected communities will be needed.