Guidelines issued by UK Resilience for using 'Preparing for Emergenices' Online

The Civil Contingencies Act places a statutory duty on all Category 1 Responders, to 'warn, inform and advise the public about risks and emergency plans', with websites a key tool recommended for this work. The advice applies equally to material produced by third parties, which will be used by Category 1 responders when providing information to the public.

In view of the Act's requirements, and the publication of the 'Preparing for Emergencies' booklet, the Cabinet Office has produced good practice guidance and advice on using web sites to promote emergency information, which Category 1 Responders and third parties are urged to apply to their sites.


In order to use the guidelines most effectively on new or existing sites, it is strongly advised that experts in communications, emergency planning and web sites work collaboratively to assess what's already on their websites, what needs to be added, and what changes may need to be made in order that existing information sits logically with the contents of the 'Preparing for Emergencies' website.


Local authorities and councils have clearly defined obligations to tell the public what to do in an emergency, and how to best protect themselves and their families against a possible disaster. One set of guidelines has been developed for local authorities, giving clear guidance on what should be on a website, and how 'Preparing for Emergencies' can be integrated into material they have or are developing. Emergency responders and others have slightly different responsibilities but it is hoped that they too will look at the emergency information they have and, if necessary, broaden it to help the public prepare against disasters.


The guidelines set out, clearly and concisely: Category 1 Responders' new duties and responsibilities under the Civil Contingencies Act to provide public contingency information Bringing emergency information together on a website Advice on auditing information and how it's managed and placed A checklist on good web practice Using the 'Preparing for Emergencies' website in integrated communication Wording to use, if necessary.