Download resources from the FORUM section

Check out the Downloads in the FORUM area!

The Continuity Forum provides information and support directly to our members and you can contact us via Phone or Email with any questions you may have related to Business Continuity. In addition to this unique level of service, we provide a constantly growing and diverse range of materials in the Download and Discussion Forum (accessed through the FORUM link on the top bar).

We are keen to develop this further and would urge you to register with with us through this Website, which is required before access can be granted. You'll then be able to both download materials that interest you and upload materials that you have found useful for other professionals to view and us.

Registration is easy and FREE and should only take 30 seconds to complete.

Registration will also facilitate 'Early Bird' Notification for our seminars and workshops giving you priority access to our highly regarded events and enabling you to meet Leading Experts from all areas of our professions disciplines.

You can contact us directly on

If you have any questions or queries please contact the Continuity Forum on 020 8993 1599 or via email on

We would also like to encourage you to send in any White Papers, research, template plans or any other material you have developed enabling the content to be shared with a far wider audience.

If you want to get more involved with the Forum and our work, why not join in our active Forum and events schedule or even the Workshops, which are soon to be greatly extended and which provides you with a great way to keep up to date on current issues and develop your professional skill and awareness

You can contact us directly on

If you have any questions or queries please contact the Continuity Forum on 020 8993 1599 or via email on