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Looking for your next Business Continuity job or contract get listed on the Forum Website
The Continuity Forum has changed its job listing services to reflect the needs of our new systems. As part of the revision we are now offering you the opportunity to list your Business Continuity related skills and experiences directly to employers and recruitment companies through a personal listing.
Listings will be accepted covering the following general skills and employment areas.
- Business Continuity
- Security
- Risk Management
- Organizational Resilience
- Emergency Planning
Your personal listing will appear on the Business Continuity Forums Jobs and Contract pages enabling potential employers or agencies to find you quickly and easily speeding up the recruitment process for all.
You will need to send us details of your background and experience, the kind of role you are looking for and the geographic areas you are able to work in. We do not need to know your salary expectations, these are between you and the employer.
Please send your details to jobs@continuityforum.org to get started.
Please note: The Continuity Forum is not acting as a recruitment agency and is only providing a listing service.