UK National Resilience Strategy - call for evidence June '21

National Resilience Review | Call for Evidence  
Cabinet Office - National Resilience - Call for Evidence
The UK government has announced a call for evidence on the development of a revised National Resilience Strategy.  
This follows the publication in March (2021) of its vision of a 'Global Britain in a competitive age: The Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy'. 
Contained in this report is recognition of the crucial importance of Risk and Resilience Management at the strategic and operational levels that reflects our Resilience Society model.
The scope of the call for evidence is wide ranging and not centred on the COVID crisis, but rather a much more integrated view of how threats, from all sources, may need to be identified, manged and mitigated. One of the themes is how we need to learn and adapt to uncertainty and improve resilience planning to meet new challenges. 
The scope of the call for evidence covers many of the areas the sector has been developing for two decades and covers six broad thematic areas: 
  • ○  Risk and Resilience: Strengthening our ability to manage an evolving risk landscape depends on improving our ability to both predict and adapt to identified and unexpected challenges. 
  • ○  Responsibilities and Accountability: It is fundamentally important that all those involved in building resilience have a clear understanding of when, where and how to apply tools, processes and relationships effectively. 
  • ○  Partnerships: Resilience is not solely a government or public sector responsibility. Other parts of society play an essential role in building our collective resilience. 
  • ○  Community: A whole-of-society approach will be central to strengthening the UK’s resilience, with a revived effort to inform and empower all parts of society who can make a contribution.  
  • ○  Investment: The challenge of where to place investment in the risk cycle is one that affects the public and private sectors alike. As government, individuals and businesses, we face choices around what, and how much, to invest. 
  • ○  Resilience in an Interconnected World: UK resilience is closely entwined with the wider global context. Challenges and opportunities are frequently experienced on a global scale. In addition and included in the review is a request for feedback on the Civil Contingencies Act (2004)
This process is a unique opportunity to set in contribute to a potential transformation of the UK's resilience and help address some of the emerging risks that could be potentially very damaging. 
Please do take a few minutes to review the consultation and submit your views. If you would like to take part on the discussion within our Policy Working Group on the issues raised please do get in touch with us directly.
The consultation will be complemented by a series of wider engagement events with relevant stakeholders and target groups. The consultation will be complemented with engagement events with stakeholders and target groups. To participate in this Call for Evidence, please use
The consultation will close on 27 Sept 2021.
Please do take a few minutes to review the consultation and submit your views. If you would like to take part on the discussion within our Policy Working Group on the issues raised please do get in touch with us directly.
The consultation will close on 27 Sept 2021.